Parallel Algorithms for Interactive Simulations of 3D Soft Tissues

Simulations of soft bodies (e.g., surgical threads, different kinds of human tissues or organs), which are at the same time interactive and accurate. For instance, in a virtual surgical simulation system, soft tissues need to be manipulated by the medical students in real-time to deliver a realistic and useful learning experience. We intend to initiate a collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology (CTH) and University of New Mexico (UNM) to develop a technology which will result in an affordable simulation platform from both a financial and a computational point of view, and will be suitable for large-scale, geometry-complex, and nonlinear deformable models useful in the medical, and more in general, industrial areas.

The project also forms an ideal education platform for both CTH and UNM. Our education objective is to leverage the project to enrich and innovate the existing colleague Computer Science education. By participating the project, graduate students will have an in-depth understanding and hand-on experiences of how to analyze a real-world problem, how to convert using math and physics and build a model so that a computer can assist, how to solve the problem numerically, and how to render the result interactively on the screen.



Accurate Elastic Bodies in Real-time
Apr 27, 2018 12:00 AM